
Priorisierung langfristiger Beziehungen und Wachstumsmöglichkeiten

Matrix Specialty Lubricants hat seinen Sitz in Duiven, Niederlande, und bringt seine Expertise und vielfältigen Erfahrungen ein, um den richtigen Schmierstoff für die richtige Anwendung zu finden. Mit unserem Wissen streben wir stets danach, das Beste für unsere Kunden und unser Unternehmen zu tun, anstatt dem zu folgen, was in der Branche gerade Trend ist. Und wir lernen ständig dazu, wie wir besser werden können!

Interessiert, einem Team von klugen, spaßigen und fleißigen Menschen beizutreten?

Current open vacancies

Wir glauben an besseres Geschäft für eine bessere Welt.

Matrix Lubricants and you

Matrix Specialty Lubricants offers different types of career opportunities. We are a vibrant company with eye on the future of our company and our environment. What we find important is growth in business, but also personal growth. So whether you’re looking for a full-time, part-time, salaried or hourly position, we may have a vacancy that’s right for you.

  • Efficiency
  • Success
  • Personal growth
  • Helping others

Treten Sie unserem talentierten Team bei

Environmental importance

Making good environmental lubricant choices does not have to compromise equipment reliability or functionality. In fact, appropriate environmental decisions can be part of a first-rate, cost-effective design.

The design aspects include the equipment itself, maintainability, economic life span, ergonomics, operation and eventual removal. Removal does not necessarily mean disposal, because there may be some recoverable value left in the machine.

Better skills, better you

We at Matrix value people skills as one of the most important competencies. When you work well with others, it improves productivity, creativity and job satisfaction. It’s never too late to learn a new skill. In fact, building up your knowledge and skills is often a lifetime pursuit. So, we always would like people to start there learning journey at our company and achieve great things, all while maintaining focus on your personal life as well.

Join our talented team


Our people are truly our most valuable resource; they’re what distinguishes us from our competitors. It is our team of solutions-oriented, customer-focused employees that maintains our reputation for exceeding the expectations of the customers we serve. We offer challenging career opportunities for both personal and professional growth.

Join now!