Category: Lithium-Calcium
Grease Lithium Calcium 2
Multipurpose lithium calcium grease
Grease Lithium Calcium 2
Multipurpose lithium calcium grease
Lubricating high performance grease based on a lithium-calcium soap, highly refined mineral oil mixture, special polymers and high performance additives. Their formulation enables the grease to be pumped through centralized systems without the usual blocking of filters and other critical parts of the system. Additionally Grease Lithium Calcium EP provides a stable and adherent lubricant
Grease USG 2
High performance grease
Grease USG 2
High performance grease
This product is a high performance lithium-calcium hydroxystearate thickened grease using the latest extreme pressure, anti-wear, anti-oxidation and corrosion inhibiting additives which are designed to reduce wear, improve grease performance and extend component life in dry and dusty, wet and shock loaded conditions.