


Matrix Specialty Lubricants product assortment

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Performance Chain WR #56  |  Spraycans

Performance Chain WR #56

Industrial Spray Cans
Water Resistant Universal Chain Oil

This product is a multi-purpose water repelling anti-corrosive lubricant for chain applications with high penetration properties. Performs good lubrication into the chain pins and rollers.

This product can be used on drive chains, overhead conveyor chains, hoist chains, forklift trucks, chain saws, delicate moving parts of robots, chain in wet conditions, chain where it’s difficult to reach and apply, chain with no central lubrication system.

  • Anti-corrosion properties
  • Good adherence to the chain reducing fling off
  • Low friction properties
  • Operates at high temperatures – up to 150°C
  • Sprayable and therefore easy to use
  • Very good penetration into the chain’s pins and rollers
  • Water repelling


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Available packaging

  • Productcode
  • 267800601
    Performance Chain WR #56
    CRT 12x400ml

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